How to Wear Volleyball Knee Pads for Optimal Protection?
Your safety and performance are equally important in volleyball, where every move counts.
Wearing knee pads is a smart move to protect yourself from knee injuries and to give you the confidence to dive or dig on the court.
But the main question is, “How to wear volleyball knee pads?”.
Key Takeaway: To wear volleyball knee pads effectively, ensure they cover your lower knee cap and the top of the shin bone for optimal protection.
Choose the right size and adjust the straps for comfort and mobility while protecting your knees.
In this article, I will walk you through the step-by-step procedure of wearing them, their importance, and how to choose the right one for you.
Why Do Volleyball Players Wear Knee Pads?
Volleyball players wear knee pads to protect their knees from impact and friction during the game.
Volleyball involves lateral movements, dives, and slides, which are the main reasons for all knee injuries, bruises, and floor burns.
So, knee pads provide the required cushioning and shock absorption, resulting in fewer injuries.
It also gives you the confidence to dive, especially as a libero or DS, making you more valuable to the team.
You might have noted that volleyball players wear the knee pads below their knees.
The reason is that it’s not the knee cap that makes contact with the ground during plays but rather the top of the shin bone, known as the tibia.
Wearing the pads slightly lower on the shin ensures that the most vulnerable part of your lower leg is protected.
Moreover, the correct positioning will allow your natural knee movement on the court.
If positioned in the middle of the knees, the knee pads may shift with every flexion, causing discomfort and reduced protection during play.
Finding pads that fit well, offer the coverage you need, and suit your playstyle is crucial for maximum knee protection.
Need help deciding?
Check out my guide to the best volleyball knee pads to find your perfect match.
How to Put on Volleyball Knee Pads?
Putting on the knee pad is not something you should be worried about.
It is pretty straightforward.
However, if you follow the steps below correctly, you can achieve maximum knee protection.
Step 1: Choose the Right Size
Before you even begin wearing knee pads, ensure you have selected the correct size.
If the knee pads are too tight, they will make you uncomfortable and restrict your movements on the court.
On the other hand, they won’t provide the required protection if they are loose.
When you are buying it, pay attention to the sizing guidelines.
Step 2: Prepare your Legs
I recommend cleaning and drying your legs before putting on knee pads.
It is essential for comfort and prevents you from skin irritation.
Step 3:Position the Knee Pads
Sit down on a chair or the court floor.
Place the knee pad over your knee, with the padded section in the center, directly over your kneecap.
Position the knee pad’s top edge below your thigh muscle, and let the lower edge extend downward to cover your shin.
Step 4: Secure with Straps
Many knee pads come with adjustable straps to keep them in place.
Start from the top strap and fasten it just above your knee.
It should be snug but not too tight because all that matters is the comfortable movement on the court.
Repeat the above step with the bottom strap below your knee.
Step 5: Test the Mobility
Stand up and do some jumping or bending to check the mobility of your knees.
Also, see if they are comfortable and secure enough.
They should stay in place as you move your legs or bend.
Step 6: Repeat for the Other Knee
Repeat the process for your other knee pad, ensuring you comfortably and securely position both.
Congratulations! You have succeeded in wearing the knee pads using the best practices.
Before hitting the court, do a final check to ensure both knee pads are correctly aligned and comfortable.
How Should Volleyball Knee Pads Fit?
Getting the right fit for your volleyball knee pads is essential for comfort and agility.
I have compiled some points to explain how your knee pads should fit:
How Often Should I Replace My Volleyball Knee Pads?
The frequency of replacing your knee pads depends on various factors.
It includes your level of play, the quality of the knee pads, and how well you maintain them.
If you are a professional player heavily engaged in matches, you may need to replace them as often as every month or even more frequently.
I prefer to change knee pads when I start experiencing discomfort.
Also, I consider replacing them when they no longer provide adequate protection.
How Can I Prevent Knee Pad Rash Or Irritation?
Knee pad rash or irritation is common for volleyball players who wear knee pads regularly.
To avoid it, apply moisturizer to your knees before putting them on. It will help reduce friction.
Regular cleaning and washing help remove sweat, dirt, and bacteria contributing to irritation.
Some players also prefer wearing compression sleeves under knee pads.
It not only helps with irritation but also adds a layer of protection.
Another main reason for this rash or irritation is the tight knee pads.
That’s why I have already focused on choosing the correct size.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Wearing knee pads doesn’t have to be a challenge.
As long as you choose a proper fit and get them positioned correctly, you’re all set to dive into the action.
It not only means fewer shin burns but also a shield against more severe knee injuries.
Always prioritize comfort and safety, and you’ll approach every volleyball match with confidence.