Asher James

Hola everyone! I’m Asher James, the head coach of an enthusiastic college volleyball team and the founder at Volley Mentor, the only place where my two greatest loves, volleyball and teaching, merge into an exciting journey.

With 20 years of experience playing and coaching this fantastic and energetic sport, I am ready to share my knowledge with you.

My passion for volleyball began during childhood and quickly became an inseparable part of my life. From an enthusiastic player on the high school team to a well-known district-level player, I have had the privilege of experiencing volleyball from different angles.

As a coach, I share the same wisdom and expertise with players of all levels, increasing their morale.

Along with coaching, I now spend most of my time writing content about volleyball. From reviewing the volleyball equipment to elaborating on the basic concepts of this thrilling sport, I have been in love with the process.

Volley Mentor is a community of like-minded people who share the same passion and love for volleyball as me.

Let’s dive into the world of volleyball and unleash your full potential.

Don’t forget to contact me in case of any queries!

With enthusiasm,
Asher James
[email protected]

My Mission

At Volley Mentor, my mission is to be your trusted companion on your volleyball journey.

I’m highly committed to empowering players, coaches, and beginners by sharing my incredible experience in this incredible sport.

I firmly believe that volleyball is more than just a sport. It’s a catalyst for teamwork, growth, and endurance.

My mission is to develop a community where people with the same level of enthusiasm can gather together to learn, grow, and inspire each other.

My mission for Volley Mentor
My vision for Volley Mentor

My Vision

My vision for Volley Mentor is to create a global hub where volleyball lovers worldwide unite to achieve excellence in the sport.

I foresee a platform where players, coaches, and fans can access comprehensive knowledge, resources, and, most importantly, the support to maximize their potential in volleyball.

Volley Mentor is where the love for volleyball transcends borders, culture, and language barriers.

It will be a community where players of all levels find motivation and inspiration to strive for greatness in the game.

Together with me, we will enhance our volleyball skills and work on the values of sportsmanship and teamwork, which is why this sport is so special.

Editorial Guidelines

My volleyball journey is about achieving excellence, both on and off the court.

I follow some specific editorial guidelines and SOPs for my content, which I am sharing below:

  • Just like a well-placed serve, accuracy is crucial in my content. I am committed to delivering reliable, fact-checked information to help understand complex concepts quickly.
  • I keep the content more accessible and easy to understand, even if you are in middle school. I always strive to make complex volleyball terms easier for beginners.
  • My reviews and recommendations are unbiased, and I don’t play favorites with brands or products.
  • I love reading your feedback, and I encourage you to dive into discussions, share your insights, and be part of the club.
  • The content at Volley Mentor is always relevant to the world of volleyball, and you won’t find any irrelevant information in it published just for the sake of ranking.

In short, my agenda is to serve as your trusted playbook on the volleyball field.

These guidelines show my commitment to maintaining the highest quality, accuracy, and fairness standards.

As you explore different types of articles on this website and engage with that content, remember that I am here to support your volleyball journey every step of the way.

To know about Volley Mentor’s policies, check out the legal pages for privacy policy, terms & conditions, and affiliate disclosure.

I welcome you to the world of volleyball excellence, even if you are learning about volleyball for the first time or have spent years in it.

Let’s make every serve, spike, dig, and point count together!